Any TESOL member may nominate another TESOL member for this award. Former TESOL staff and board members may be nominated three (3) years after completion of their term of service.
To acknowledge outstanding and extended service by a TESOL member. This award was established in 1987 to honor James E. Alatis, TESOL's first executive director, for his 21 years of devoted service.
How to Apply
A commemorative plaque is presented to the recipient at the annual TESOL convention, and the recipient's name is placed on a permanent plaque containing the names of all previous winners that hangs in the TESOL office. One award is presented each year.
Criteria for Evaluating Applications
The recipient is selected according to evidence of:
- Genuine and long-lasting support of TESOL International Association through leadership and service.
- Exemplary professionalism and representation of TESOL values of professionalism, respect, integrity, and lifelong learning.
- Commitment to the mission of TESOL.
- Dedication to the field/the profession.
For more details, please see the Evaluation Rubric.
Support of the nomination by two other TESOL members is required. You will be asked for the following information to complete the nomination process. You are strongly encouraged to gather this information before you begin the application to expedite the nomination process.
- Nominee’s Information: full name, institution (place of work), place of residence (city, state/province, country), email address, phone number.
- Description of the nominee’s achievements and activities that demonstrate their commitment to the TESOL values of professionalism, respect, integrity, and lifelong learning and show they are an ambassador for the association and the profession (max 500 words).
- List of the nominee’s leadership roles/service, dates of service that they have had within TESOL International Association.
- List of the nominee’s leadership roles/service, dates of service that they have had outside TESOL International Association and are relevant to the profession.
- The nominee’s professional bio (max 300 words).
- Any additional information about the nominee’s professionalism and commitment to the mission of the organization and the TESOL profession (max 400 words).
- Names and email addresses of two other TESOL members who support the nomination.
Apply Now
Submit Your Online Application
The application deadline is 15 September.
2025 Recipient

Dr. Suzanne Panferov Reese chairs the Applied Linguistics PhD Program, directs the Critical Languages Program, and teaches in applied humanities at the University of Arizona. Previously, she served as the president of TESOL International Association, as a convention program chair, and on the TESOL board of directors. Currently, she serves as the vice president of TIRF.
Past Award Recipients
View a list of past recipients.
Please contact TESOL Awards, Honors, & Grants.