Meet Ethan Trinh

Ethan Trinh
TESOL New Professional Member
PhD student at Georgia State University
Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Being a TESOL member in Vietnam and the United States is a privilege for me. I have never imagined that I could have learned and grown so much since I started involving myself with service, research, and writing with/for/by/about TESOL members. I am interested in expanding global conversations with teachers, students, and educators regarding the issues of race and gender in TESOL. While serving in TESOL, I have learned that I need to unlearn fixed knowledges from the textbooks so that I am able to continue this work, aimed toward decolonizing and queering mindsets in my teaching, research, and service. In addition, I found joy in serving TESOL because I have learned so much from great scholars that I only read in peer-reviewed journals. The scholars in the TESOL field are so welcoming, supportive, and critical, which motivates and pushes me to think beyond my deficit lens.
Meet Ndeye Diallo

Ndeye Diallo
Ndeye Diallo
TESOL Professional Member
ESL Specialist, Learning Facilitator for Evolutions High School
Providence, Rhode Island, USA
I am a TESOL member to not only connect with other ELT professionals but to learn from the best. I additionally aspired to be an agent of change in the English language teaching (ELT) field by bringing in a different cultural and professional perspective and be a voice amongst TESOL professionals of African descent.
There is a multitude of benefits from which I gained as a member of the TESOL organization, from having the opportunity to network and collaborate with other TESOL professionals to working under the guidance of past chairs who took me under their professional wings. These experiences have made me a better educator and a more prepared ELT professional. They provided me with the tools necessary to serve my multilingual learners and paved the way for me to become more confident and break through as a TESOL professional of African descent
"I appreciate TESOL for creating a global platform for me to continue learning, growing, and rethinking my research and teaching trajectory."